Saturday, February 03, 2007

Is listening to a "book" reading?

Without the printed word
definitions can get fuzzy

Along the right side of this page, you'll notice that a new "What I'm Listening To" section has been added under "What I'm Reading."

"Listening" lists music that I've purchased recently — all downloaded from Apple's iTunes.

But it doesn't show the audio versions of two "books" that I'm currently "reading." Sometimes I just listen to "Wild at Heart," by John Eldredge, and sometimes I read along with the sound, holding the book and turning the pages, while hearing the narrator. The same with "Hannibal Rising," by Thomas Harris.

When I've only listened to a book, have I read it? It doesn't really matter, I guess ... but it's awkward to say, "I just read (insert book name)" when you've only listened to it.

Confusing? A little.

(Notice "Casino Royale" and "The Dante Club" are off the reading list — I finished them in November and December, respectively. I enjoyed both.)

Godspeed, Barbaro

Are there horses in heaven?
If so, a champion runs free

Without intending to open a theological debate, I have to believe all of God's creatures make it to heaven — after all, He created them before He created us.

So, I look forward to watching the great champion Barbaro running
with the likes of Secretariat, and fighting for the affections of fillies like Go For Wand and Ruffian.

Maybe I'm a sap, but I think there is something majestic about watching a horse run. A particularly stirring race will bring a tear to my eye — and not because I'm holding a losing tote ticket (which is usually the case).

(Watch undefeated Barbaro win the 2006 Kentucky Derby: click here)

I've often said, "There's never been a bad movie made about a horse," and one of my favorites is "The Electric Horseman." Most people think the story is about fading rodeo rider Sonny Steele (Robert Redford), but it's really about Rising Star, the thoroughbred that corporate America turns into a billboard.

If you don't get misty-eyed when Rising Star is let loose and immediately challenges another stallion for a mob of mares, then you don't have a soul.

Godspeed, Barbaro. Speed with God, Barbaro.